There seems to be new photos uploaded everyday! Edison Chen really sabotaged the career of many female celebrities!
Here are some censored versions. As usual, won’t be posting up the links as I believe those who want to find such photos will be able to find them on their own. Anyway, Edison Chen is already the number one most searched person on all major search engines. Won’t be difficult to find lah.
The press speculated there are over 1000 photos and videos and currently, only less than half have been released. Seems like this sex photo scandal will continue to hog the media limelight for a few more months!
The whole incident is affecting the way I view all Hong Kong female celebrities – when I watch a Hong Kong TV serial or movie, I can’t help but wonder if the female stars were involved in the Edison Chen sex photos scandal, or had a similar affair with some other male Hong Kong celebrities.
Do you feel the same way?
Is the entertainment industry really so tainted? Or Edison Chen is just one of the few bad eggs giving everyone else a bad name?
Latest Updates from omy.sg on Edison Chen‘s sex photos scandal:
“淫照”风暴 – 淫照网主今天被控 警方怀疑陈冠希家人与人纠纷遭报复
“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”男主角陈冠希打破沉默 “要怨就怨这个游戏,不好怨玩家”
“淫照”风暴 – 片商赞坚强 选做女主角 阿娇获支持狂接广告
“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”案警方追捕20嫌犯 锁定陈冠希身边的人为目标
“淫照”风暴 – 警放搜获千张艺人淫照 拘捕4男2女元凶随时落网
“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风暴 香港网民大反扑 吁捉“源头”陈冠希
“淫照”风暴 – “淫照”风波后首度打破沉默 陈冠希认错并呼吁网民销毁照片
“淫照”风暴 – 23岁“源头”落网 警方宣布侦破“淫照”案
“淫照”风暴 – 警方拒绝证实“淫照”真伪 要陈冠希返港助查
“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希06年11月亲自送电脑到涉案的电脑公司修理
“淫照”风暴 – 500网民游行谴责警方执法不公,高呼捉拿陈冠希
“淫照”风暴 – 淫照风暴第一女主角阿娇 今午亮相挽演艺事业
“淫照”风暴 – 谢霆锋疑戴绿帽怒扔婚戒 锋芝传签分居协议书
“淫照”风暴 – 陈冠希会出席赈灾表演,以善心一洗”淫照”印象?
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The post Edison Chen sex photos scandal: Endless stream of photos appeared first on Alvinology.