Sunday Times did a full page write-up about them today. Here’s the seven victims of the Edison Chen sex photos scandal, identified.

Relationship: The former singer-actress is now the fiancee of businessman, Phillip King. She was linked to Edison from 2001 to 2004. Her wedding was said to be in the rock after the scandal broke, but was saved when she flew to America to pacify her beau.
Photo Damage: About 120

Relationship: Wife of singer, Nicholas Tse. She is a well-known actress in the Chinese entertainment scene and was linked to Edison in 2003. So far, she has been keeping a low profile over the scandal.
Photo Damage: About 130

Relationship: One half of the popular singing and acting girl group, Twins. In 2001, she starred in a video for one of Edison’s song, Scandal (really!) in 2001 and rumours of their relationship started from there. She had since publicly apologised over the scandal, saying she had been “naive and very silly”.
Photo Damge: About 100

Relationship: She is a friend of Edison’s older sister and was previously a singer, with not much commercial success. After the scandal, she has written on her blog entries that she was unhappy.
Photo Damge: About 50

Relationship: She is Edison’s current girlfriend and is also the niece of his former boss, Emperor Entertainment chairman, Albert Yeung. She seems relatively unaffected by the scandal so far and Edison had flew to Boston to spend time with her since the incident.
Photo Damage: Only 3

Relationship: The model-actress of Chinese-Pakistani parentage has said she met Edison through a mutual friend before she became a celebrity. They were linked while making a movie together in 2000. She had earlier declared she has never taken sexy photos with Edison when the scandal first broke, but has not commented since.
Photo Damage: About 10

Relationship: She was a contestant in the 2001 Miss Chinese International beauty pageant. Edison was a guest performer at the event. She did not win and went back to Australia after that. Not much is know about her and she has not spoke to the media yet regarding the scandal.
Photo Damage: About 40
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